

HOME > ハラスメントについて > 規程・指針 > 国立大学法人金沢大学ハラスメントの防止・対策に関する指針


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(平成 16年 4月 1日規程第 21号)


1 はじめに


2 本学及び構成員等の責務

(1) 学長及び学長の指名する理事の責務


(2) 部局の長の責務


(3) 構成員等の責務


イ お互いの人格を尊重し,大切なパートナーであるという意識を持ち,性別役割分担意識や偏見をなくして個性を認め合うこと。

ロ ハラスメントに当たるか否かについては,相手の気持ちが重要であること。

ハ 相手が拒否し,又は嫌がっていることが分かった場合には,同じ言動を決して繰り返さないこと。

ニ ハラスメントであるか否かについて,相手からいつも意思表示があるとは限らないこと。特に,ハラスメントの行為者が上司,指導教員,先輩等の場合,拒否の意思表示ができないことも少なくなく,それを同意又は合意と誤解しないこと。

3 適用範囲

(1) 適用対象

イ 本指針は,規程第2条第1項に定める構成員等の間の,就労・修学等の関係において生じたハラスメント問題について適用される。

ロ 「構成員等」には,本学で就労・修学等に従事するすべての者が含まれ,派遣労働者も含まれる。

ハ セクシュアルハラスメントの行為が職場において行われた場合の行為者には,構成員等に限らず,他の事業主又はその雇用する労働者等もなり得る。その場合には,必要に応じて,他の事業主に事実関係の確認の協力を求めることができる。

(2) 職場


4 ハラスメントの定義と具体例

(1) セクシュアルハラスメント

イ 対価型セクシュアルハラスメント


() 個人的な性的要求への服従又は拒否を,人事,勤務条件の決定又は業務指揮に反映させること。

() 個人的な性的要求への服従又は拒否を,教育若しくは研究上の指導若しくは評価又は学業成績等に反映させること。

() 人事権若しくは業務指揮権の行使,教育若しくは研究上の指導若しくは評価又は利益若しくは不利益の与奪等を条件とした性的働きかけをすること。

() 相手への性的な関心を業務遂行に混交させること。

ロ 環境型セクシュアルハラスメント


ハ 性的な言動


() 性的及び身体上の事柄に関する不必要な質問・発言

() 性的な内容の情報(噂)の流布

() 性的な冗談やからかい

() 食事やデートへの執拗な誘い

() 不必要な出張等への同行や,自室に招くことの強要

() 交際・性的関係の強要

() わいせつ図画の閲覧・配付・掲示

() 不必要な身体への接触及び不適切な視線

() 強制わいせつ行為及び強姦

() 特定の性であるという理由に基づく差別的な言動

() 性の多様性への配慮を欠く言動又は性的指向若しくは性自認に関する差別的な言動

() 特定の個人又は集団の性に関する情報(噂)の流布及び本人の許可を得ない他言

() その他性的な言動により,相手の就労・修学意欲を低下させ,能力の発揮を阻害する行為

(2) アカデミックハラスメント


イ 教員による学生に対する修学上の権利の侵害及び妨害

() 能力や人格を否定する発言,中傷及び嘲笑

() 適正な限度を超えた大声や繰り返しの叱責,暴言及び机を叩くなどの威嚇行為

() 合理的な理由なく留年や退学を言い渡したり,示唆すること

() 成績の不当評価及び研究成果に関する不当な取扱い

() 明らかに達成不可能な課題の達成の強要

() 希望に反する特定の研究課題の強要

() 研究遂行上の過程で過度な経済的負担を強いること

() 必要な教育研究上の指導・助言を正当な理由なく行わないこと

() 実験又は研究のための機器・設備等を正当な理由なく使用させないこと

() 研究発表活動の不当な制限・妨害・強要

() 学生のアイディア,調査データ等の無断使用

() 指導教員の変更を正当な理由なく認めないこと

() 教育・研究指導において,合理的な理由なく一部の学生を差別したり不利に取り扱うこと

() 学生の個人的な生活,プライバシー及び進路選択への過度又は不適切な介入

() 個人への配慮を欠いて適正な範囲を超えた拘束や実験・研究等の強要を行い,又は有形無形の圧力を継続的に加えること等により,学生に身体的・精神的なダメージを与えること

ロ 教員による他の教員に対する教育研究上の権利の侵害

() 当然加わるべき研究課題等からの不当な除外

() 研究費や機器・設備等の不当な使用制限

() その他教育研究上の不当な権利侵害

(3) パワーハラスメント


イ 優越的な関係を背景とした言動


() 職務上の地位が上位の者による言動

() 同僚又は部下による言動で,当該行為者が業務上必要な知識や豊富な経験を有しており,当該行為者の協力を得なければ業務の円滑な遂行が困難であるもの

() 同僚又は部下からの集団による行為で,これに抵抗又は拒絶することが困難であるもの

ロ 業務上必要かつ相当な範囲を超えた言動


() 業務上明らかに必要性のない言動

() 業務の目的を大きく逸脱した言動

() 業務を遂行するための手段として不適当な言動

() 当該行為の回数,行為者の数等その態様や手段が社会通念に照らして許容される範囲を超える言動

ハ パワーハラスメントの該当性の判断


ニ パワーハラスメントの代表的な言動の6類型に該当すると考えられる例(以下は限定列挙ではなく,個別の事案の状況等によっては判断が異なる場合も有り得る)

() 身体的な攻撃(暴行・傷害)

1) 殴打,足蹴りを行うこと

2) 相手に物を投げつけること

() 精神的な攻撃(脅迫・名誉棄損・侮辱・ひどい暴言)

1) 人格を否定する言動を行うこと(相手の性的指向・性自認に関する侮辱的な言動を含む)

2) 必要以上に長時間にわたる厳しい叱責を繰り返し行うこと

3) 他の構成員等の面前で,大声で威圧的な叱責を繰り返し行うこと

4) 相手の能力を否定し,罵倒するような内容の電子メール等を当該相手を含む複数の構成員等に宛てて送ること

() 人間関係からの切り離し(隔離・仲間外し・無視)

1) 正当な理由なく仕事を外したり,長期間にわたり別室に隔離したり,自宅で研修させたりすること

2) 一人の構成員等に対して同僚が集団で無視をし,職場で孤立させること

() 過大な要求(業務上明らかに不要なことや遂行不可能なことの強制・仕事の妨害)

1) 長期間にわたる,肉体的苦痛を伴う過酷な環境下で勤務に直接関係のない作業を命ずること

2) 新規採用者等に対し,必要な教育を行わないまま到底対応できないレベルの業績目標を課し,達成できなかったことを厳しく叱責すること

() 過小な要求(業務上の合理性なく能力や経験とかけ離れた程度の低い仕事を命じることや仕事を与えないこと)

1) 管理職である構成員等を退職させるため,誰でも遂行可能な業務を行わせること

2) 気にいらない構成員等に対し嫌がらせのために仕事を与えないこと

() 個の侵害(私的なことに過度に立ち入ること)

1) 構成員等を職場外でも継続的に監視したり,私物の写真撮影をしたりすること

2) 構成員等の性的指向・性自認や病歴,不妊治療等の機微な個人情報について,当該構成員の了解を得ずに他の構成員等に暴露すること

(4) 育児休業等に関するハラスメント

イ 構成員等が,妊娠,出産,育児休業,介護休業その他の子の養育又は家族の介護に関して相手の意に反する言動を行い,これによって,就労,修学等を行う上で不利益を与えるもの。

() 制度又は措置(以下「制度等」という。)の利用の請求・申出等したことを理由として解雇その他不利益な取扱いをすること。

() 制度等の利用をしたことを理由として解雇その他不利益な取扱いをすること。

ロ 構成員等が,妊娠,出産,育児休業,介護休業その他の子の養育又は家族の介護に関して相手の意に反する言動を行うことにより,就労,修学,教育,研究又は課外活動を行う環境を害するもの。

() 制度等の利用への嫌がらせをすること。

1) 解雇その他不利益な取扱いを示唆すること。

2) 制度等の利用の請求・申出等又は制度等の利用を阻害すること。

3) 制度等の利用をしたことを理由として嫌がらせ等をすること。

() 妊娠又は出産したことへの嫌がらせをすること。

1) 解雇その他不利益な取扱いを示唆すること。

2) 妊娠又は出産したことを理由として嫌がらせ等をすること。

() 妊娠又は出産等に関する否定的な言動

1) 不妊治療に対する否定的な言動を含めた,他の構成員等の妊娠または出産等の否定につながる言動をすること(単なる自らの意思表明を除く)。

2) 制度等の利用又は制度等の利用の請求をしにくい雰囲気をつくること。

(5) その他のハラスメント

イ 年齢,出身,心身の障害,疾病,容姿,性格等の個人的な属性を理由に,就労・修学上の機会,条件,評価等で相手を差別したり,又は排除したりすること。

ロ (1)から(4)までのハラスメントに準ずる行為。

5 懲戒処分等


6 プライバシー等の保護及び守秘義務


7 不利益取扱いの禁止


附 則


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附 則


附 則


附 則





National University Corporation, Kanazawa University Guidelines for the Prevention of and Countermeasures against Harassment

(Regulation Number 21, dated April 1, 2004)


Regarding these regulations, the Japanese text is the original and the English text is for reference purposes.


Number 1


  1. Introduction

In accordance with Article 15 of the National University Corporation Kanazawa University Regulations Concerning Prevention, etc. of Harassment (hereinafter referred to as “the Regulations”), these Guidelines provide for matters that are necessary for preventing and taking countermeasures against harassment in the National School Corporation Kanazawa University (hereinafter referred to as “the University”) and apply to its constituent members and others in relation to engaging in work, study, education and research (hereinafter referred to as “engaging in work, study, etc.”) at the University.


  1. Responsibilities and duties of the University and its constituent members and others

(1) Responsibilities and duties of the President and Trustees designated by the President

In accordance with the provisions of Article 3, Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Regulations, the President and Trustees designated by the President shall endeavor to provide training sessions and seminars, conduct public relations and awareness-raising activities and take other necessary measures, to ensure that the constituent members and others shall not commit harassment, deepen their interest and understanding of problems caused by harassment (hereinafter referred to as “harassment problems”) and pay attention to their own language and behavior used towards other constituent members and others. 

In addition, the President and Trustees designated by the President shall endeavor to deepen their own interest and understanding of harassment problems and pay attention to their own language and behavior used towards other constituent members and others.

(2) Responsibilities and duties of the heads of divisions and departments

In accordance with the provision of Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the Regulations, the heads of divisions and departments shall take measures to prevent harassment, implement measures when harassment occurs, and formulate measures to prevent a reoccurrence in their respective divisions and departments. 

Moreover, when the head of a division or a department finds a fact that harassment was committed by one of the constituent members and others in the division or department, the head may not ignore the facts.  

(3) Responsibilities and duties of constituent members and others

In accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of the Regulations, the constituent members and others shall deepen their interest and understanding of harassment problems, pay attention to their own language and behavior used towards other constituent members and others and be fully aware of the matters provided for in each of the Items below:

() Paying due respect to the character of the constituent members and others and recognizing them as valued partners, while eliminating perceptions of gender-based role and prejudice against them;

() How the other person feels is important in determining whether one’s language and behavior falls under harassment;

() In the event that the other person refuses or feels uncomfortable about one’s language and behavior, the same language and behavior should never be repeated;

() The other person does not always show their feelings regarding whether one’s language and behavior falls under harassment.

This is particularly so, and often the case that the victim cannot show their intention to refuse when the perpetrator is a supervisor, a supervising instructor, a superior or other. One should not misunderstand it as the other person’s agreement or consent with the act of harassment.  


  1. Scope of application

(1) Matters and persons subject to these Guidelines

() These Guidelines shall apply to harassment problems that occur between a constituent members and others in relation to engaging in work, study, etc., as stipulated in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Regulations.

() “Constituent members and others” shall include anyone engaging in work, study, etc. at the University as well as dispatched workers.

() Not only the constituent members and others but other employers or the workers and others employed by the employer could be a perpetrator when a sexual harassment occurs in the workplace.

In that case, the employer may be requested to cooperate in confirming the facts of the situation, as necessary.

(2) Workplace

Workplace” shall mean any place in which the constituent members and others perform work, including any place other than the regular place of work where the constituent members and others normally perform work.


  1. Definitions of harassment and specific examples

(1) Sexual harassment

(I) Quid pro quo sexual harassment

Quid pro quo sexual harassment” shall mean any disadvantage in terms of the work or study, etc. caused by non-consensual language and behavior of a sexual nature used by one of the constituent members and others, depending on how the victim responds to the language and behavior.

(i) Reflecting a person’s obedience to or refusal of personal sexual demands from the perpetrator in determining personnel affairs and terms and conditions for work or directions related to the performance of work 

(ii) Reflecting a student’s obedience to or refusal of personal sexual demands from the perpetrator in instructions related to education or research, or evaluation or academic record and so forth of the student

(iii) Making sexual advances on the condition of exercising authority over personnel issues or authority over the direction of performance of work, providing instructions or evaluation related to education or research, or providing or not providing advantages or disadvantages and so forth

(iv) Suggesting sexual interest on another person in work performance with the person

(II) Hostile environment sexual harassment

Hostile environment sexual harassment” shall mean that non-consensual language and behavior of a sexual nature used by one of the constituent members and others cause harm in the environment in which the other person engages in work, study, etc.

(III) Language and behavior of a sexual nature

Language and behavior of a sexual nature” shall mean comments and conduct of a sexual nature. Irrespective of the victim’s gender identity and sexual orientation, any language and behavior of a sexual nature towards any person is to be included.

(i) Unnecessary questions and comments on sexual and physical matters

(ii) Spreading information (rumors) of a sexual nature

(iii) Jokes and teasing of a sexual nature

(iv) Persistent invitations to meals or dates

(v) Unnecessarily accompanying a person on a business trip, etc. or coercing them to invite the perpetrator into the person’s private room

(vi) Coercing a person to have a relationship or a sexual relationship with the perpetrator

(vii) Viewing, distributing or posting obscene images

(viii) Unnecessary physical contact and inappropriate eye contact

(ix) Indecent assault and forcible rape

(x) Discriminatory language and behavior toward a specific gender

(xi) Language and behavior that lack consideration of gender diversity or discriminatory language and behavior concerning a person’s gender identity or sexual orientation

(xii) Spreading information (rumors) of a sexual nature regarding a specific individual or a group and revealing that information to others without obtaining permission from the specific individual or the group

(xiii) Other language and behavior of a sexual nature that diminishes a person’s motivation to engage in work or study and that hinders from exercising of the person’s abilities

(2) Academic harassment

Academic harassment” shall mean any disadvantage or harm in terms of the work or study, etc., or the condition of thereof, caused by improper language and behavior used by one of the constituent members and others through the abuse of the perpetrator’s position or authority related to education and research. Those disadvantages and harms include mental distress and psychological harms.

(I) Infringement and obstruction of a student’s rights to study, which is committed by a teacher

(i) Negative comments, defamation and mocking laughter that deny a student’s abilities and integrity as a human

(ii) Reprimands by unreasonably loud voice or the ones repeated, and intimidating behavior such as striking the desk

(iii) Rendering or suggesting that a student should repeat another school year or be expelled from school without reasonable grounds

(iv) Unjust grading and unjust treatment of research outcome

(v) Coercing a student to achieve a task that is clearly unachievable

(vi) Coercing a student to perform a specific research task against the student’s will

(vii) Imposing an excessive financial burden on a student in the course of a research

(viii) Failing to give instructions and advice that are necessary in education and research without reasonable grounds

(ix) Not allowing a student to use equipment, facilities, etc. for experiments or research without reasonable grounds

(x) Unjustly limiting, obstructing or coercing publication of research findings

(xi) Unauthorized use of a student’s idea, research data, etc.

(xii) Disapproving a change of supervising instructor without reasonable grounds

(xiii) Discriminating against or treating detrimentally certain students in education and research instruction without reasonable grounds

(xiv) Excessively or inappropriately intervening in a student’s private life, privacy and career choice

(xv) Inflicting physical or psychological harms on a student by binding or forcing a student to engage in experiments or research, lacking consideration for the student as an individual or exceeding the proper scope, or by continuously exerting tangible and intangible pressure on the student

(II) Infringement of rights of a teacher in relation to education and research, which is committed by another teacher

(i) Unjust exclusion of a teacher from research tasks in which the victim should naturally participate

(ii) Unjustly limiting the use of research expenses, equipment, and facilities

(iii) Other unjust infringement of rights related to education and research

(3) Power harassment

Power harassment” shall mean emotional distress or physical pain, or harms in the environment in which the victim engages in work that are caused by language and behavior used in the workplace by one of the constituent members and others, who are in a superior position, exceeding the necessary and proper scope.

(I) Language and behavior that are used in the context of the one’s superior position

The language and behavior shall refer to those used in the context of one’s superior position by which would make unable for the victim to resist or refuse the perpetrator while the victim engages in work, including the following examples: 

(i) Language and behavior used by a person whose job position is higher than that of the victim;

(ii) Language and behavior used by a colleague or a subordinate who has necessary knowledge for work and extended experience and whose cooperation is necessary for smooth performance of work;

(iii) Acts conducted by a group of colleagues or subordinates that are difficult for the victim to resist or refuse.

(II) Language and behavior exceeding the necessary and proper scope of work

The language and behavior shall be those that are clearly unnecessary for work or those that are used in an unreasonable manner in light of socially accepted norms, including the following examples:

(i) Language and behavior that are clearly unnecessary for work;

(ii) Language and behavior that significantly deviate from the purpose of the work;

(iii) Language and behavior that are inappropriate as a means to perform work;

(iv) Language and behavior that are exceeding the proper scope in light of socially accepted norms, in terms of the frequency of use thereof, the number of perpetrators and other modes and means therein.

(III) Judgment regarding relevance to power harassment

Proper instructions and supervision provided within the necessary and proper scope of work, as seen from an objective perspective, do not fall under power harassment as provided in the Regulations and these Guidelines.

In judging individual cases regarding relevance to power harassment, judgment shall be made on the comprehensive consideration of a variety of factors and the extent of emotional distress or physical pain of the victim caused by the perpetrator. Those factors include the purpose of use of the language and behavior; the background and situation in which the language and behavior are used, including whether there was a fault of the alleged victim in any way; industry and business at issues; content and characteristics of work; mode, frequency and continuity of the language and behavior; personal attributes or physical and mental condition of the victim; the victim’s relationship with the perpetrator.

(IV) Examples considered to fall under the representative six types of language and behavior used in power harassment (but not limited to the list below; depending on circumstances of individual cases, they may be judged differently)

(i) Physical aggression (battery and assults)

1) Hitting and kicking the victim

2) Throwing objects at the victim

(ii) Psychological aggression (threat, defamation, insult, verbal abuse)

1) Using language and behavior that deny a person’s integrity (including insulting language and behavior regarding the victim’s sexual orientation and gender identity)

2) Repeatedly reprimanding a person with harsh words over an unnecessarily long period of time

3) Repeatedly reprimanding a person in a loud voice and in a coercive manner in front of other constituents

4) Sending abusive emails that negate a person’s abilities to several constituent members and others, including the victim

(iii) Relational aggression (seclusion, treating as an outcast, ignoring)

1) Excluding a person from work without reasonable grounds, separating a person in another room over a long period of time or making a person stay at home for training

2) A group of colleagues ignoring one of the constituent members and others, thereby leaving the victim isolated from others in the workplace

(iv) Excessive demands (demanding a task that is clearly unnecessary for work or is unachievable, or interfering with a person’s work)

1) Ordering a person to engage in a task indirectly related to the person’s work over a long period of time under a harsh environment, thereby causing physical pain on the victim

2) Setting a too much demanding goal in job performance for a new employee, without providing necessary education, and reprimanding the victim with harsh words for not having achieved the goal

(v) Demeaning demands (demanding a task that is far below the person’s abilities and experience, without reasonable grounds, or not assigning any task at all)

1) Having one of the constituent members and others in a managerial position perform a task that can be performed by any person, in order to expel the victim

2) Not giving any work to one of the constituent members and others whom the perpetrator dislikes to harass the victim

(vi) Individual intrusion (unreasonably intruding into private affairs)

1) Continuously monitoring one of the constituent members and others outside the workplace or taking photographs of the victim’s personal belongings

2) Revealing the sexual orientation or gender identity, medical history, fertility treatment or other sensitive personal information of one of the constituent members and others without the consent of the victim to other constituents

(4) Harassment regarding childcare leave, etc.

(I) Any disadvantage or harm in terms of the work or study, etc. caused by non-consensual, improper language and behavior used by one of the constituent members and others regarding pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave and nursing care leave or regarding raising a child or nursing care of a family member.

(i) Dismissing or otherwise treating detrimentally one of the constituent members and others, on the grounds that the person has requested or applied for the benefits mentioned above (hereinafter referred to as “the benefits, etc.”)

(ii) Dismissing or otherwise treating detrimentally one of the constituent members and others, on the grounds that the person has had the benefits, etc.

(II) Any harm on the environment of the work, study, education, research or extracurricular activities, caused by non-consensual language and behavior used by one of the constituent members and others regarding pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave and nursing care leave or regarding raising a child or nursing care of a family member.

(i) Harassing due to the use of the benefits, etc.

1) Suggesting dismissal or other detrimental treatment of the person

2) Preventing a person from requesting or applying for the use of the benefits, etc. or from having the benefits, etc. 

3) Harassing a person on the ground that the person has had the benefits, etc.

(ii) Harassing a person who is pregnant or has given birth to a child

1) Suggesting dismissal or other detrimental treatment of the person

2) Harassing a person on the grounds that the person is pregnant or has given birth to a child

(iii) Negative language and behavior regarding pregnancy, childbirth, etc.

1) Language and behavior that could impeach the pregnancy or childbirth of one of the constituent members and others, including negative language and behavior regarding fertility treatment (excluding simple statement of one’s own feeling)

2) Forging an atmosphere in which anyone would feel uncomfortable in using or demanding the use of the benefits, etc.

(5) Other harassments

(I) Discriminating or excluding a person regarding opportunities for engaging in work or study, terms and conditions of work or study, evaluation and so forth, on the basis of age, nationality, physical disabilities or mental disorders, illness, personal appearance, character or other personal attributes 

(II) Acts that are similar to harassment described in (1) to (4)


  1. Disciplinary action and so forth

In the case where a harassment is found, uncompromising actions shall be taken against the perpetrator, such as disciplinary action or other proper measures, in accordance with the regulations of the University regarding employment, the Regulations, these Guidelines and other relevant regulations.


  1. Protection of privacy, etc. and confidentiality obligation

In recognition of the fact that the information of the victim of a harassment, the perpetrator and others are parts of their privacy, all the constituent members and others involved in consultations regarding the harassment or other process after the incident shall take necessary steps to protect the privacy of the victim, the perpetrator and others.

The privacy information of the victim, the perpetrator and others shall include their sexual orientation, gender identity, medical history, fertility treatment or other sensitive personal information.


  1. Prohibition of detrimental treatment

The constituent members and others shall not treat detrimentally other constituents on the grounds that they had consultation regarding harassment, or had provided cooperation in confirming the facts of the case and other process.

Prohibition of detrimental treatment shall apply to all the constituent members and others, including dispatched workers. A dispatched worker shall not be treated detrimentally on the grounds that the dispatched worker had consultation regarding harassment in the workplace. Decline of the dispatching service shall be included in the examples of detrimental if it is triggered by the involvement of the dispatched worker.  


Supplementary Provisions

These Guidelines shall be enforced as of April 1, 2004.


Supplementary Provisions

These Guidelines shall be enforced as of October 1, 2010.


Supplementary Provisions

These Guidelines shall be enforced as of January 1, 2017.


Supplementary Provisions

These Guidelines shall be enforced as of July 27, 2017.


Supplementary Provisions

These Guidelines shall be enforced as of June 1, 2020.