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(平成 16年 4月 1日規程第 22号)
第1条 この規程は,国立大学法人金沢大学(以下「本学」という。)の構成員等の本学における就労,修学及び教育研究(以下「就労・修学等」という。)に関する権利並びに人権を保障することを目的として,本学におけるハラスメントの発生を防止するための措置並びにハラスメントが生じた場合に適切に対応するための措置(以下「ハラスメントの防止等」という。)に関し必要な事項を定めるものとする。
第2条 この規程において,次の各号に掲げる用語の意義は,当該各号に定めるところによる。
(1) 構成員等 役員,教職員,委託契約職員,学生・生徒等,本学で就労・修学等に従事するすべての者をいう。
(2) ハラスメント 「セクシュアルハラスメント」,「アカデミックハラスメント」,「パワーハラスメント」,「妊娠,出産,育児休業,介護休業その他の子の養育又は家族の介護に関するハラスメント」(以下「育児休業等に関するハラスメント」という。)及び「その他のハラスメント」をいう。
イ セクシュアルハラスメント 構成員等が,相手の意に反する性的な性質の不適切な言動を行い,これによって相手が,精神的な面を含めて,就労・修学等における不利益・損害を受けること,又は就労・修学等における環境を害されることをいう。
ロ アカデミックハラスメント 構成員等が,教育・研究上の立場又は権限を濫用した不適切な言動を行い,これによって相手が,精神的な面を含めて,就労・修学等における不利益・損害を受けること,又は就労・修学等における環境を害されることをいう。
ハ パワーハラスメント 職場において,構成員等が,優越的な関係を背景に,業務上必要かつ相当な範囲を超えた言動を行い,これによって相手が,精神的・身体的な苦痛を受け,就労環境を害されることをいう。
ニ 育児休業等に関するハラスメント 構成員等が,妊娠,出産,育児休業,介護休業その他の子の養育又は家族の介護に関して相手の意に反する不適切な言動を行い,これによって相手が,精神的な面を含めて,就労・修学等における不利益・損害を受けること,又は就労・修学等における環境を害されることをいう。
ホ その他のハラスメント イ,ロ,ハ及びニに準ずる不適切な行為をいう。
第3条 学長は,本学におけるハラスメントの防止等に関し総括する。
2 学長の指名する理事は,学長を補佐するとともにハラスメントの防止等に努める。
3 部局の長(所属組織の管理者等を含む。以下同じ。)は,当該部局におけるハラスメントの防止に努めるとともに,ハラスメントが生じた場合には,被害者の救済,行為者とされる者(以下「行為者」という。)に対する措置及び再発防止策を迅速かつ適切に講じなければならない。
第4条 構成員等は,この規程及び本学のハラスメントの防止・対策に関する指針(以下「指針」という。)に従い,ハラスメントを行ってはならない。
2 構成員等は,互いに協力し,良好な就労・修学等の環境の確保に努めなければならない。
3 構成員等は,ハラスメントの解決のため,次に掲げる事項に協力しなければならない。
(1) 第7条の3に定める予備調査
(2) 第8条に定める調査
(3) その他ハラスメントの解決に向けて協力を求められた事項
第5条 本学に,ハラスメントの防止等を適切に実施するため,金沢大学ハラスメント防止委員会(以下「防止委員会」という。)を置く。
2 防止委員会は,次に掲げる事項を審議する。
(1) ハラスメントの防止等に関する基本的事項
(2) ハラスメントの具体的事案への対応に関する重要事項
(3) その他防止委員会の委員長(以下「防止委員長」という。)が必要と認めた事項
3 防止委員会は,前項第1号及び第3号の事項に関し,具体策を講じる必要がある場合は,第10条に規定する相談員会議に検討を依頼することができる。
4 防止委員会は,次に掲げる委員をもって組織する。
(1) 学長が指名する理事 1人
(2) 本学の教授(特任教授(常勤に限る。)を含む。)から学長が指名する者 3人
(3) 本学の職員(本学職員就業規則第2条第2項に定める教育職員を除く。)のうち本学職員給与規程第13条に定める管理職手当を支給されている者から学長が指名する者 3人
(4) 第6条に規定する総括相談員
(5) その他学長が必要と認める者
5 防止委員会に防止委員長を置き,前項第1号に定める委員をもって充てる。
6 防止委員長は,防止委員会の会議を招集し,その議長となる。
7 防止委員会に副防止委員長を置き,第4項第2号及び第3号の委員のうち,防止委員長があらかじめ指名する委員をもって充てる。
8 副防止委員長は,防止委員長を補佐し,防止委員長に事故があるときは,その職務を行う。
9 防止委員会の委員の任期は2年とし,再任を妨げない。
10 防止委員会の委員に欠員が生じた場合の補欠の委員の任期は,前任者の残任期間とする。
11 防止委員会の会議は,委員の過半数が出席しなければ開くことができない。
12 防止委員会は,必要があると認めたときは,委員以外の者を会議に出席させ,意見を聴くことができる。
第6条 本学における,構成員等及びその関係者からのハラスメントに関する苦情の申出及び相談(以下「苦情相談」という。)への対応は,金沢大学総合相談室(以下「総合相談室」という。)が行い,金沢大学ハラスメント相談窓口(以下「相談窓口」という。)として,総括相談員,副総括相談員及び相談員を配置する。
2 総括相談員は,本学の教授のうちから学長が指名する者をもって充てる。
3 副総括相談員は,第5項の相談員のうちから総括相談員が指名する者若干人とする。
4 副総括相談員は,総括相談員を補佐し,総括相談員に事故があるときは,総括相談員があらかじめ指名する副総括相談員がその職務を行う。
5 相談員は,次に掲げる者をもって充てる。
(1) 人間社会研究域,理工研究域及び医薬保健研究域から推薦された教員 各4人
(2) 融合研究域,国際基幹教育院,附属病院,がん進展制御研究所及び人間社会学域学校教育学類附属学校園から推薦された教員 各1人
(3) 保健管理センター及び国際日本研究センターから推薦された教員 各1人
(4) 人間社会系事務部,理工系事務部,医薬保健系事務部・病院部及び事務局(人間社会系事務部,理工系事務部,医薬保健系事務部及び病院部を除く。)から推薦された事務職員 各2人
(5) 融合系事務部から推薦された事務職員 1人
(6) 附属病院の中央診療施設等及び薬剤部のうちから推薦された医療系技術職員 1人
(7) 附属病院の看護部から推薦された看護職員 1人
(8) 総合相談室職員
(9) その他防止委員長が指名する者 若干人
6 総括相談員及び相談員(前項第8号の相談員を除く。)の任期は2年とし,再任を妨げない。
7 前項の総括相談員及び相談員に欠員が生じた場合の補欠の総括相談員及び相談員の任期は,前任者の残任期間とする。
8 相談員は,防止委員長が委嘱する。
第7条 総合相談室及び相談員は,本規程及び指針に十分留意して問題への対応に当たる。
2 苦情相談に当たっては,複数の相談員で対応するものとする。
3 相談員は,相談窓口を通じて苦情相談があった場合は,総合相談室にその旨報告しなければならない。
4 総合相談室は,相談を受け付けた場合及び相談員からの報告を受けた場合は,その対応について検討し,必要な措置を講じるものとする。
5 総合相談室は,調整を行う必要があると認めた場合は,次条に定める調整を行うものとする。
6 総合相談室は,予備調査を行う必要があると認めた場合は,第7条の3に定める予備調査を行うものとする。
7 総合相談室は,前項の予備調査の結果,第7条の4に定める通知を行うことができる。
8 総合相談室は,調査を行う必要があると認めた場合は,調査委員会を設置し,第8条に定める調査を行うものとする。
9 総合相談室は,前項の調査と並行し,第9条に定める調停を行うことができる。
第7条の2 総合相談室は公平な立場で解決法を模索するため,相談者及び行為者の双方のプライバシーに配慮しつつ,関係者から情報収集を行い,必要に応じ,関係部局の長に連絡するとともに協力を要請することができる。
2 総合相談室は,関係部局の長に対し,相談者の緊急保護措置(指導教員,研究室,就業場所の変更等),その他の就労・修学等上の措置,行為者への指導等を行うよう勧告することができる。
3 第1項の協力要請及び第2項の勧告を受けた部局の長は,調整の経過・結果を総合相談室に適宜報告又は協議しつつ,その責任と権限において,迅速に適切な措置を取るよう努めるものとする。
第7条の3 総合相談室は,受け付けた苦情相談について,予備調査を行う必要があると判断した場合は,必要に応じて,相談者,行為者及び関係者から事情を聴取する。
第7条の4 総合相談室は,ハラスメント被害の解決及び防止のために通知を行うことが適当であると判断した場合は,苦情相談があった事実を行為者又は関係する部局の長等に通知することができる。
第8条 総合相談室は,調査委員会を設置し,相談内容の事実関係を把握するために必要な調査を行う。この場合,必要に応じ,関係部局の長に連絡するとともに協力を要請することができる。
2 調査委員会は,次に掲げる委員をもって構成する。
(1) 総括相談員又は総括相談員が指名した副総括相談員(以下「総括相談員等」という。)
(2) 総括相談員等が指名する相談員 若干人
(3) 総合相談室職員
(4) その他総括相談員等が必要と認めた者
3 調査委員会に委員長(以下「調査委員長」という。)を置き,総括相談員等をもって充てる。
4 調査委員長に事故があるときは,調査委員長があらかじめ指名する委員がその職務を行う。
5 調査委員会は,相談者及び行為者の双方並びに必要に応じ当該事案の関係者に対して面談による調査を行う。
6 調査は,原則として,調査委員会設置から3か月を目処に終了する。ただし,事案の性質によってはこの限りではない。
7 調査委員長は,調査結果を速やかに防止委員長に報告するものとする。
8 調査委員長は,調査を行う必要がなくなった場合又は調査を継続することが困難若しくは適当でないと判断した場合は,調査委員会の議を経て,調査委員会を解散することができる。この場合において,その旨を速やかに防止委員長に報告するものとする。
第9条 総合相談室は,調停を行う場合は,当該調停を行う相談員を指名する。
2 前項の規定による指名を受けた相談員は,当該調停の終了後,速やかに,総合相談室に結果を報告するものとする。この場合において,総合相談室は,必要に応じ関係部局の長に連絡するものとする。
第10条 総括相談員は,次に掲げる事項を検討するため相談員による会議(以下「相談員会議」という。)を開くことができる。
(1) ハラスメントの防止等の具体策に関する事項
(2) 防止委員会から検討依頼のあった事項
(3) その他総括相談員が必要と認めた事項
2 相談員会議は,第6条第5項各号の相談員をもって構成する。
3 総括相談員は,相談員会議における検討結果を防止委員長及び防止委員会に報告するものとする。
第11条 防止委員長は,ハラスメントの具体的事案に関し総括相談員等から報告を受けた事項について,必要があると認めた場合は防止委員会を開催するものとする。
2 防止委員長は,必要があると認めた場合は,就労・修学等における環境の改善等適切な措置及び再発防止策を講じ,その内容について報告するよう関係部局の長に求めるものとする。
3 防止委員長は,防止委員会に係る事案について,適宜学長に報告しなければならない。
4 防止委員長は,懲戒処分に係る調査を行う必要が生じた場合は,防止委員会による調査を行うこととする。
5 防止委員長は,学生に係る懲戒処分の審議を行う必要が生じた場合は,当該学生の所属する部局の長に対し,金沢大学学生懲戒規程第6条第1項に基づく調査委員会の設置を請求することとする。
第12条 ハラスメント事案に関わるすべての構成員等は,当事者及び関係者のプライバシー,名誉その他の人権に配慮するとともに,知り得た秘密を他に漏らしてはならない。構成員等でなくなった後も同様とする。
第12条の2 総合相談室は,苦情相談の事案が,次の各号のいずれかに該当すると認める場合は,総合相談室及び相談窓口での取扱いを打ち切ることができる。
(1) 相談者が苦情相談の事案の取扱いについて,打ち切りに相当する内容を申し出たとき。
(2) 相談者が事実関係を明らかにするために必要な面談等に正当な理由なく応じない場合で,総合相談室からの面談要請から相当な時間が経過したとき。
(3) 苦情相談の内容が明らかな虚偽であることが判明したとき。
(4) 苦情相談の事案が,初回の相談時点で既に,労働局における労働紛争調整委員会によるあっせん,裁判所における調停若しくは訴訟又はその他公的機関若しくはこれに準ずる機関が行う紛争解決手続きに係属している又は係属していたことが明らかなとき。
(5) 苦情相談の事案が,相談受付後に,労働局における労働紛争調整委員会によるあっせん,裁判所における調停若しくは訴訟又はその他公的機関若しくはこれに準ずる機関が行う紛争解決手続きに係属した又は係属していたことが判明したとき。
(6) 事実確認の迅速かつ正確な確認及び問題の解決に努めたが,確認及び解決が困難な場合において,中立な第三者機関等に紛争処理等を委ねることが適切であると判断したとき。
第12条の3 総合相談室が必要と認めるときは,個別の苦情相談の対応及び事実関係の調査を,弁護士(弁護士法人を含む。)に委任することができる。
第13条 学長,学長の指名する理事,部局の長及びその他の関係職員は,相談者及び苦情相談,調整,予備調査,通知,調査,調停等において協力した者に対し,そのことをもって不利益な取扱いをしてはならない。
第14条 ハラスメントの防止等に関する事務は,関係部課等の協力を得て,総合相談室において処理する。
第15条 この規程に定めるもののほか,必要な事項は,別に定める。
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1 この規程は,平成24年6月1日から施行する。
2 第5条第9項の規定にかかわらず,同条第4項に定める委員の最初の任期は平成26年3月31日までとする。
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1 この規程は,平成29年7月27日から施行する。
2 第6条第6項の規定にかかわらず,同条第5項第2号に定める国際基幹教育院の相談員の最初の任期は平成30年3月31日までとする。
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○ National University Corporation, Kanazawa University Regulations Concerning Prevention, etc. of Harassment
(Regulation Number 22 dated April 1, 2004)
(Regarding these regulations, the Japanese text is the original and the English text is for reference purposes.)
Article 1 These Regulations, in purpose of guaranteeing the rights of constituent members and others at the University in relation to engaging in work, study, education and research (hereinafter referred to as “engaging in work, study, etc.”) in the University, and human rights, provide for necessary measures to prevent harassment in the National University Corporation Kanazawa University (hereinafter referred to as “the University”) and to deal with the problems properly when harassment occurs (hereinafter referred to as “the prevention, etc. of harassment”) in the University.
Article 2 In these Regulations, the meanings of the terms in each of the following Items shall be defined in those Items as follow.
(1) “Constituent members and others” shall mean all persons who engage in work, study, etc. in the University, including executives, faculty teaching staff members and staff members, commissioned staff members and students.
(2) “Harassment” shall mean sexual harassment; academic harassment; power harassment; harassment regarding pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave and nursing care leave or other harassment regarding raising a child or nursing care of a family member (hereinafter referred to as “harassment regarding childcare leave, etc.”); and other harassment.
(i) “Sexual harassment” shall mean any disadvantage or harm in terms of the work or study, etc., or the condition of thereof, caused by non-consensual, improper language and behavior of a sexual nature used by a constituent member and others. Those disadvantages and harms include mental distress and psychological harms.
(ii) “Academic harassment” shall mean any disadvantage or harm in terms of the work or study, etc., or the condition of thereof, caused by improper language and behavior used by one of the constituent member and others through the abuse of the perpetrator’s position or authority related to education and research. Those disadvantages and harms include mental distress and psychological harms.
(iii) “Power harassment” shall emotional distress or physical pain, or harms in the environment in which the victim engages in work that are caused by language and behavior used in the workplace by one of the constituent members and others, who are in a superior position, exceeding the necessary and proper scope.
(iv) “Harassment regarding childcare leave, etc.” shall any disadvantage or harm in terms of the work or study, etc., or the condition of thereof, caused by non-consensual, improper language and behavior used by one of the constituent members and others regarding pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave and nursing care leave or regarding raising a child or nursing care of a family member. Those disadvantages and harms include mental distress and psychological harms.
(v) “Other harassment” shall mean improper behavior equivalent to those stipulated in (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).
Responsibilities and duties of the President, Trustees and heads of departments and divisions
Article 3 The President shall supervise the prevention, etc. of harassment in the University.
- Trustees designated by the President shall assist the President and endeavor to prevent harassment.
- The heads of departments and divisions (including managers and others of organizations to which victims and alleged perpetrators belong; the same applies hereafter) shall endeavor to prevent harassment in their departments and divisions. If harassment occurs, they shall promptly and appropriately provide relief for the victim and take measures against the alleged perpetrator (hereinafter referred to as “the perpetrator”) and preventive measures for a reoccurrence.
Responsibilities and duties of constituent members and others
Article 4 In accordance with these Regulations and the University’s Guidelines for the Prevention of and Countermeasures against Harassment (hereinafter referred to as “the Guidelines”), constituent members and others shall not commit harassment.
- In cooperation with each other, constituent members and others shall endeavor to secure a favorable environment for engaging in work, study, etc.
- Constituent members and others shall provide cooperation regarding matters listed below for resolving harassment:
(1) Preliminary investigation pursuant to Article 7- 3;
(2) Investigation pursuant to Article 8;
(3) Other matters in which their cooperation is required for resolving a harassment problem.
Prevention Committee
Article 5 Kanazawa University Harassment Prevention Committee (hereinafter referred to as “the Prevention Committee”) shall be established in the University in order to appropriately implement the prevention, etc. of harassment.
- The Prevention Committee shall deliberate on the matters listed below:
(1) Basic matters regarding the prevention, etc. of harassment;
(2) Important matters regarding response to specific cases of harassment;
(3) Other matters that the chairperson of the Prevention Committee (hereinafter referred to as “the Prevention Committee Chairperson”) considers to be necessary.
- Upon the finding it to be necessary for them to formulate concreate measures regarding matters provided for in Items 1 and 3 of the preceding Paragraph, the Prevention Committee may submit the matters for consideration by the Counselors Meeting prescribed in Article 10.
- The Prevention Committee shall consist of committee members listed below:
(1) Trustee designated by the President: 1 person;
(2) Professors (including Appointed Professors (limited to full-time Appointed Professors)) designated by the President from among the professors of the University: 3 persons;
(3) Staff members of the University (excluding education staff members stipulated in Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Work Regulations for Staff of the National University Corporation Kanazawa University) designated by the President from among those who are paid managerial allowances provided for in Article 13 of the Kanazawa University Regulations on Compensation for Staff Members: 3 persons.
(4) Counselling Supervisor provided for in Article 6
(5) Other persons whom the President considers to be necessary
- The Prevention Committee shall appoint the Prevention Committee Chairperson who shall be the committee member prescribed in Item 1 of the preceding Paragraph.
- The Prevention Committee Chairperson shall convene a meeting of the Prevention Committee and act as chairperson at the meeting.
- The Prevention Committee shall appoint the Vice Chairperson who shall be designated in advance by the Prevention Committee Chairperson from among the committee members prescribed in Items 2 and 3 of the Paragraph 4.
- The Vice Chairperson of the Prevention Committee shall assist the Prevention Committee Chairperson, and shall perform the duties on their behalf when the Prevention Committee Chairperson is unable to perform the duties.
- The term of a committee member of the Prevention Committee shall be two years, and it may be renewed.
- The term of a filling a vacancy shall be the remaining term of office of the predecessor.
- A meeting of the Prevention Committee may not be held unless a majority of the committee members are present.
- The Prevention Committee may request persons other than the committee members to participate in a meeting of the committee and hear their opinions, if the Prevention Committee finds it to be necessary.
Counseling systems
Article 6 Response to complaints regarding harassment and requests for counseling (hereinafter referred to as “complaints and counseling requests”) submitted by a constituent member and others and individuals involved in the complaints and requests shall be handled by Kanazawa University General Consultation Office (hereinafter referred to as “the General Consultation Office”). Counseling Supervisor, Vice Counseling Supervisors and counselors shall be placed in the General Consultation Office as the Kanazawa University Harassment Consultation Desk (hereinafter referred to as “the Consultation Desk”).
- The Counseling Supervisor shall be designated by the President from among the professors of the University.
- A few of Vice Counseling Supervisors shall be designated by the Counseling Supervisor from among the counselors provided in Paragraph 5 of the Article 6.
- Vice Counseling Supervisors shall assist the Counseling Supervisor, and one of the Vice Counseling Supervisor, who is designated in advance by the Counseling Supervisor, shall perform the duties on their behalf when the Counseling Supervisor is unable to perform the duties.
- Counselors shall be the persons listed below:
(1) Faculty members recommended from the Institute of Human and Social Sciences, the Institute of Science and Engineering and the Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences: 4 persons each;
(2) Faculty members recommended from the Institute of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation, Liberal Arts and Science, the University Hospital, the Cancer Research Institute and the schools affiliated with the Department of School Education, Institute of Human and Social Sciences: 1 person each;
(3) Faculty members recommended from Health Service Center and International Research Center for Japan Studies: 1 person each;
(4) Administrative staff members recommended from the Human and Social Administration Department, the Science and Engineering Administration Department, the Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Administration Department, the Hospital Department and secretariats (excluding the Human and Social Administration Department, the Science and Engineering Administration Department, the Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Administration Department and the Hospital Department): 2 persons each;
(5) Administrative staff members recommended from the Transdisciplinary sciences Administration Department: 1 person;
(6) Medical technical staff member recommended from the Central Medical Facilities of the University Hospital and the Department of Hospital Pharmacy: 1 person;
(7) Nursing staff member recommended from the Division of Nursing of the University Hospital: 1 person;
(8) Staff members of the General Consultation Office;
(9) Other persons designated by the Prevention Committee Chairperson: a few persons.
- The term of office of the Counselling Supervisor and counselors (excluding counselors provided for in Item 8 of the preceding Paragraph) shall be two years, and it shall be renewable.
- In the event that a vacancy arises for the Counselling Supervisor and counselors prescribed in the preceding Paragraph, the term of office of a substitute shall be the remaining term of office of the predecessor.
- Counselors shall be commissioned by the Prevention Committee Chairperson.
Complaints and counseling requests and handling thereof
Article 7 The General Consultation Office and counselors shall handle a case by taking these Regulations and the Guidelines into consideration.
- Each complaint or counseling request shall be handled by multiple counselors.
- When a complaint and a consultation request is submitted through the Consultation Desk, counselors shall report to the General Consultation Office to that effect.
- In a case in which the General Consultation Office receives a consultation request or a report from counselors, it shall consider how to deal with the matter and shall take necessary steps.
- The General Consultation Office shall make adjustments provided in the next Article, if the General Consultation Office finds it to be necessary.
- The General Consultation Office shall conduct a preliminary investigation prescribed in Article 7-3, if the General Consultation Office finds it to be necessary.
- Depending on the results of the preliminary investigation prescribed in the preceding Paragraph, the General Consultation Office may make a notification provided in Article 7-4.
- The General Consultation Office shall establish an investigation committee and conduct an investigation as prescribed in Article 8, if the General Consultation Office finds it to be necessary.
- The General Consultation Office may conduct mediation as prescribed in Article 9 in tandem with the investigation provided in the preceding Paragraph.
Article 7-2 In order to develop solutions on a neutral position, the General Consultation Office shall collect information from individuals involved in the matter, while protecting the privacy of both the consulting party and the perpetrator, and may contact the heads of relevant divisions and departments and request their cooperation.
- The General Consultation Office may make a recommendation to the heads of the relevant divisions and departments to the effect that they take emergency protective measures for the consulting party (change of supervising instructor, research laboratory, place of work, etc.) and other measures related to engaging in work, study, etc., and give instructions, etc. to the perpetrator.
- The heads of the relevant divisions and departments who receive the request for cooperation prescribed in Paragraph 1 and the recommendation stipulated in Paragraph 2 shall endeavor to promptly take appropriate measures as their own responsibilities and authority, while making reports on the process and results of the adjustments or discussing it with the General Consultation Office in a timely manner.
Preliminary investigation
Article 7-3 When the General Consultation Office finds to be necessary a preliminary investigation regarding a complaint and a consultation request that it receives, the General Consultation Office shall question the consulting party, the perpetrator and individuals involved, as necessary.
Article 7-4 When the General Consultation Office considers it appropriate to submit a notification in order to resolve and prevent a harassment claim, it may notify the perpetrator or the heads of relevant divisions and departments and others of the fact that a complaint and a consultation request have been submitted.
Article 8 The General Consultation Office shall establish an investigation committee and conduct a necessary investigation of the facts of a complaint and a consultation request.
In this case, the investigation committee may contact the heads of relevant divisions and departments and request their cooperation, as necessary.
- The investigation committee shall consist of members listed below:
(1) Counselling Supervisor or Vice Counselling Supervisor(s) (hereinafter referred to as “Counselling Supervisor and others”) designated by the Counselling Supervisor;
(2) Counselors designated by the Counselling Supervisor and others: a few persons;
(3) Staff members of the General Consultation Office;
(4) Other persons whom the Counselling Supervisor and others consider to be necessary.
- The Investigation Committee shall appoint the Investigation Committee Chairperson (hereinafter referred to as “the Investigation Committee Chairperson”) who shall be one of the members of the Counselling Supervisor and others.
- The member who shall be designated in advance by the Investigation Committee Chairperson shall perform the duties on their behalf when the Investigation Committee Chairperson is unable to perform the duties.
- The Investigation Committee shall conduct an investigation by interviewing both the consulting party and the perpetrator as well as individuals involved in the matter, as necessary.
- The investigation shall be terminated by the end of a three-month period from the establishment of the investigation committee, in principle.
Provided, however, this shall not apply depending on the nature of the case in question.
- The Investigation Committee Chairperson shall promptly report to the Prevention Committee Chairperson about the results of the investigation.
- In the case in which the Investigation Committee Chairperson considers it unnecessary to conduct an investigation or difficult or inappropriate to continue with the investigation, the Investigation Committee Chairperson may dissolve the Investigation Committee upon the disposition of the Committee, if the Investigation Committee Chairperson consider it to be unnecessary to continue the investigation, or to be difficult or inappropriate.
In this case, the Investigation Committee Chairperson shall promptly report to the Prevention Committee Chairperson to that effect.
Article 9 The General Consultation Office shall designate counselors who shall engage in a mediation.
- Counselors designated in accordance with the preceding Paragraph shall, promptly after the mediation is terminated, report the results of the mediation to the General Consultation Office.
In this case, the General Consultation Office shall contact the heads of relevant divisions and departments, as necessary.
Counselors meeting
Article 10 The Counselling Supervisor may convene a meeting of counselors (hereinafter referred to as “Counselors Meeting”) to deal with the matters listed below:
(1) Matters regarding specific measures for preventing harassment;
(2) Matters for which consideration at the Counselors Meeting is requested by the Prevention Committee;
(3) Other matters that the Counselling Supervisor considers to be necessary.
- Counselors Meeting shall consist of the counselors listed in the Items of Article 6, Paragraph 5.
- The Counselling Supervisor shall report the results of the consideration at the Counselors Meeting to the Prevention Committee Chairperson and the Prevention Committee.
Measures, etc. against acts of harassment
Article 11 The Prevention Committee Chairperson shall convene a meeting of the Prevention Committee to deal with the matters reported by the Counselling Supervisor and others regarding specific cases of harassment, if the Prevention Committee Chairperson finds it to be necessary.
- The Prevention Committee Chairperson shall formulate appropriate measures to improve the environment for engaging in work, study, etc. and preventive measures for a reoccurrence, and shall request heads of the relevant divisions and department to report matters related to the content of the measures, if the Prevention Committee Chairperson finds it to be necessary.
- The Prevention Committee Chairperson shall report to the President regarding cases submitted to the Prevention Committee in a timely manner.
- The Prevention Committee Chairperson shall have the Prevention Committee conduct an investigation for a disciplinary action, if the investigation is necessary.
- If the Prevention Committee deliberates on a disciplinary action against a student, the Prevention Committee Chairperson shall demand the head of the department to which the student belongs to establish an investigation committee in accordance with Article 6, Paragraph 1 of Student Disciplinary Action Policy of Kanazawa University.
Protection of privacy, etc. and confidentiality obligation
Article 12 All the constituent members and others who are involved in a harassment case shall pay due attention to the privacy, honor and other human rights of the parties and individuals thereof and shall not disclose to others any secret obtained in the course of duties.
The same shall apply even after they resign.
Cancellation of handling complaints and counseling requests
Article 12-2 If the General Consultation Office recognizes the process of a complaint and a counseling request falls under any of the following items, the General Consultation Office may cancel the process by the General Consultation Office and the Consultation Desk:
(1) When a consulting party submits a request to the effect to cancellation of the process of complaint and counseling request;
(2) When a consulting party does not respond to a request for a necessary interview to find the facts of the case, without reasonable grounds, and a reasonable period of time has passed since the General Consultation Office made the request for the interview;
(3) When it is found that the content of a complaint and a consultation request is clearly false;
(4) When it is found at the time of the first consultation that the case of a complaint and a consultation request is or was subject to mediation conducted by the Dispute Coordinating Committee of a Labor Bureau, a mediation or a lawsuit brought in court of law, or dispute resolution procedures conducted by other public agencies or official bodies similar thereto;
(5) When it is found after the consultation request was accepted that the case of a complaint and a consultation request was subject to mediation conducted by the Dispute Coordinating Committee of a Labor Bureau, a mediation or a lawsuit brought in a court of law or dispute resolution procedures conducted by other public agencies or official bodies similar thereto;
(6) In the event that the General Consultation Office considers it to be appropriate to refer to a neutral third-party institution, etc. to resolve the dispute and so forth because it is difficult to confirm the facts of the case and resolve the dispute, after having attempted to confirm the facts and resolve the dispute in a prompt and precise manner.
Delegation of authority to lawyers
Article 12-3 If the General Consultation Office considers it to be necessary, it may delegate authority to lawyers (including legal professional corporations) regarding the handling of individual cases of complaints and consulting requests and investigation of the facts of the case.
Prohibition of disadvantageous treatment
Article 13 The President, Trustees designated by the President, heads of divisions and departments and other staff members involved shall not treat detrimentally a consulting party and individuals who cooperated with a complaint and a consultation request, arrangements, preliminary investigation, notification, investigation, and mediation, etc. on the ground that the consulting party submitted the complaint or the individuals provided cooperation.
Clerical work
Article 14 Clerical work relating to the prevention, etc. of harassment shall be handled by the General Consultation Office with the cooperation of relevant divisions, sections, etc.
Miscellaneous regulations
Article 15 In addition to what is provided in these Regulations, necessary particulars shall be prescribed separately.
Supplementary Provisions
These Regulations shall be enforced as of April 1, 2004.
Supplementary Provisions
These Regulations shall be enforced as of April 1, 2005.
Supplementary Provisions
These Regulations shall be enforced as of April 1, 2006.
Supplementary Provisions
These Regulations shall be enforced as of April 1, 2007.
Supplementary Provisions
These Regulations shall be enforced as of October 1, 2007.
Supplementary Provisions
These Regulations shall be enforced as of April 1, 2008.
Supplementary Provisions
These Regulations shall be enforced as of October 1, 2010.
Supplementary Provisions
These Regulations shall be enforced as of April 1, 2011.
Supplementary Provisions
These Regulations shall be enforced as of April 1, 2012.
Supplementary Provisions
- These Regulations shall be enforced as of June 1, 2012.
- Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5, Paragraph 9, the initial term of office of the committee members provided for in Article 5, Paragraph 4 shall terminate on March 31, 2014.
Supplementary Provisions
These Regulations shall be enforced as of August 28, 2012 and shall be applied as of April 1, 2012.
Supplementary Provisions
These Regulations shall be enforced as of April 1, 2014.
Supplementary Provisions
These Regulations shall be enforced as of January 1, 2017.
Supplementary Provisions
- These Regulations shall be enforced as of July 27, 2017.
- Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 6, Paragraph 6, the initial term of office of counselors from the Institute of Liberal Arts and Science provided for in Article 6, Paragraph 5, Item 2 shall terminate on March 31, 2018.
Supplementary Provisions
These Regulations shall be enforced as of December 1, 2018.
Supplementary Provisions
These Regulations shall be enforced as of June 1, 2020.
Supplementary Provisions
These Regulations shall be enforced as of April 1, 2024.